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mybrosamoron @blogspot.com ♥
Sunday, December 25, 2011

No Sarcasms Intended (:

Heyy guys.

it's been what, days? weeks? months? years?
i've missed u guys (:
Life's been good.
i really gotta be practicing my stuff.
after my big mouth.
i pray that it'll be the last time i get myself into these situations again.
oh well.. alls well that ends well.
and if it hasn't ended well, it aint the end.

I'll be back. (:
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Never steppin outta the house..

hey guys (:
congratulations for u're still with me (;
or u just happened to accidentally stumble across this blogspot
cause u were bored of stalking that someone *wink wink*

Imma tell you u why u shud stay in ur house and hide ur kids.
hide ur wifes.. and hide ur husband..
It's cause freaking people in Dunia Didik buses are stalking u outside ur houses!
and more to that, they have freaking kids that whom U MAY KNOW
look into ur houses and the like.. /:
never stepping outta my house again..
nahh, the real story behind that is because
there's a serious case of burglary WITH PARANGS! (available for rm75)
yeah so just lock ur doors and don't leave ur gate open..
which reminds me..
Sunday, August 28, 2011

It is what it is and
it ain't what it ain't
so don't make it what it's not supposed to be.

why did i thought that i could cheat it myself?
not in the way u guys may think.
but i mean in a way that i talk to a person more than i can chew off.
now the situation sucks.
i don't really care how the fellah thinks or feels
darn it.
i really don't care.
I'm tired.
excuse me.
i need closure.
thank you internet.
geez note to self. never stay up this late ever again.
never ever for ever ever.
geez i really don't think it's healthy.
but yeahh whatever.
we all reach that point of time no?
sorry this aint no short sweet message to better our community post.
i really can't do that right now.
it's not like i could ever do it.
stalking people sucks.
talking to them sucks even harder.
they just don't understand.
i'm fine btw.
mentally stable.
just a bit moody.
u know how it is.
just bear with me if u're still reading.

so u are reading
hahaha okay.
so like have fun with ur life.
screw those people that don't unerstand.
live life like u want it to.
cause no matter what u do.
people will always have something to say.
seriously screw them.
and they should probably get off the internet if they're offended by this
heck, they can just crawl into a hole and live in there forever
if they don't realise that the world is filled with rotten apples everywhere.
nobody's perfect honey.
so aren't u.
except it.
the earlier the better.
i love u.
god loves u.
ur mom loves u.
the people who loves u love u
and that's all u need.

I love u guys (:

Hey U with the Face!

Hey guys
waddup? (;
haha congratulation for tuning in to the only blogspot that doesn't care about whether anyone read this crap, but as long as it's written. that's all that counts in my wourld (:

So anyways after trials i've been becoming slightly life-less
pishh.. as in i wasn't(but that's another story for another time)
moving on. so since nothing has been done since, before.
I feel slightly stalker-ish again.
sighh.. i ain't proud of this just to let u guys know.
but anyways cause when u're a choosen victim,
I would honestly stalk ur fb pictures.
i know it's not healthy ..
and i know that u do it too. admit it.
but yeahh i stalk the fellah for like 5 minutes then i'll be like:
''okay that's enough.''
i'll try to do this until i figure out that u just aint worth the stalking time.
cause i dunno maybe it's cause ur buff or something that's why i stalk u...?
not u though, the one who's reading this right now.
perasan-ness over whelms u.

Hshaha yeahhh...
anyway. let's talk about texting?
okay cool..
I don't really know about u guys but when i text someone,
i expect to be texted back in like the next 5 minutes max.
cause if i don't, chances are, i wouldn't really like talking to u anymore.
just saying..
and for those that i see u on fb but u didn't reply my text.
imma gonna have to kill ur mom.
jk<3 but seriously.
but sad to say, if u're a digi user.
u're not in neither of those category.
imma tell u why. this is Because for me to text u people.
it aint cheap. oh hewl no it aint.
it's like freaking 20cent per sms.
that's like a call!!
it's expensive. my mama's gonna have ta kill me.

okay by now u guys would prob think that i'm some mad person
who's in a very violent world.
idk. i mean i would.
but hey, what's the internet for?
to release stress.
that's what it's for.
that's right...

pheww.. okay i kinda feel abit better.
not really but still.
hahahaa ughh trust me. this is what exams can do it a person.
u're not an exception unfortunately.
but for as of right now. imma gonna have to let u guys go now.
thanks for stopping by (:
Friday, August 12, 2011

When I want ur opinion, I'll rattle ur cage.

Hmm I feel like stalking u today.
how about it? (:

"oh wait,
it's fb. i can do it whenever i want. just whether do i have the time."
"hahha so the douche comes out of everyone when we're on fb."
"i seee."
"oh u have a friend that looks rather.. eww. e.o "
"that's gross."
"I can't believe u did that, now i'm sad for me."
"I thought u were hot now ur just Not. No never.. nope."
"some friends u have there, too bad their better looking than u."
"Why do u have ugly friends, is this ur plan to make u look better looking?
smart. (;"

NOW i'm not quite sure whether everyone feels that.
and I'm not saying I feel that way.
but sometimes.. what the hay, everyone thinks that.
so yeahhh my thoughts on facebook stalking..
I mean ObserVINg. that's right (:

beef cakes!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

wonder what are u going to do for a face when the monkey wants his butt back.

Hey Guys.
SO it's been a while.
how have u guys been for the pass 4.. 6 months or so?

I'm.. well, that's not really important but things are okay i guess?
there's no real expectation to my life now that it's going downhill with the examinations and all of which i have yet to study.
GUH. i don't even know why i bother. I'm not really studying but i know i should. yet at the end of the day when results are crappy I stil dare to be Emo. not elmo but emo. same same..

Well, gots something to tell yall..
come here..
*sticks ur face to the screen*
okay that's a little too close there honey.
anyways how do you keep a nerd in suspense for 24hours and more?

I'll tell u the answer tmr (;
SO if i ever see u on the streets,
I'll pretend that i didn't see..
cause that'll break my heart
so i wouldn't even start.
(LOVE David Choi >:))


Saturday, February 19, 2011

u sir, are hot :)

Hey there u (:

havin' a good day?
there there. (:

so.. how's life?
not bad?
okay okay lar?
i dunno u tell me?
hahah yeahh pick anyone.
the person next to u will just slowly creep away.
u wished it went down like that.

oh wells, so yeahh my friend told me to check out her tumblr and was amazed that i had a blog. oh her.. haha yeahh well i can't really blame the fellah since i only write so often here.

shoo.. no, i'm not gonna make a resolution or anything, cuz that's kinda sad. sigh, haha but i will tell u what i've been doing for the past month. (:
1. sleeping.
2. eating.
3. prioritizing nature's call.
and a bunch of other stuffies. (:

haha okay, well, just checking in (:
and now signing out.
thanks for stoppin by (:
